Friday, July 29, 2011

Lilly's World...

It is the early 1800s, in “Small-town,” Ohio.

In the background, you may have seen bountiful cornfields, wooded landscapes, clear skies, and heard sounds of rushing water.

This was during a time when fashion revealed the social class of an individual, games filled with laughter were the highpoints of the evening, manners and etiquette were expected, and this elegant era ushered in a movement of artistic pursuits so powerful they remain with us to this day.

There was no way to know then that the death of a little girl would span generations and affect us so profoundly. Like the music and poetry of this golden era, the little girl remains with us, as well.

As we fast forward to a new century, a young man, is walking down a country road. The setting: a sunny yet cloudless summer day. It was during a time when people didn’t feel it necessary to lock their doors during the day. Most felt safe, except for this young man who encountered a full-bodied apparition, shifting in and out of focus, offering him a smile that chilled him to the bone. He somehow knew that this would not be the last he would see of her. He was right.

Years later in November 2009, older and much wiser, Mr. Rocky Karlage, President and creator of Ghost Walk, sat down to pen a narrative that some find difficult to believe. However, he tells of us his experiences with such conviction, that even the most die-hard skeptics begin to open their minds to the possibility that yes, there does in fact exist the possibility that spirits are real.

We know “the little girl” is real.

In the beginning of Ghost Walk, “the little girl” was a constant spirit companion to Rocky, and also the basis of a character in our story. She was given the name Lela to indentify her fictional character in the Ghost Walk saga. While we no longer spend the time moderating our MySpace profiles as we have in the past, we encourage everyone to visit the profile of “the little girl” for the purpose of learning more of her character and getting to know her through her journal entries. Understand that these writings, while reflecting the nature of the fictional character, are also strongly tied to the real ghost child and we are now sure of her true name.

We welcome you to the world of Lilly!

Lilly has chosen to speak through psychics or mediums at times when she’s needed to communicate. With the help of these special people, this is how we discovered her true name. Lilly has always communicated with Rocky first and foremost, and she quickly became less frightening than his earlier experiences suggested. It was upon discovering her actual name that she seemed to begin opening up and sharing more about her life and the tragedy surrounding her death, which we suspect was at the hands of a relative. She has shared so much with us in recent years and we feel compelled to share with you details, as we can tell them.

Before reading further, please realize that our priority is keeping Lilly safe and that will remain our priority, no matter the situation. We protect her. We take her safety seriously and we ask that you do the same. When she feels threatened she retreats, will hide behind Rocky, and he can sense how she feels. When she is scared, her friends do all they can to guard and comfort her. Trust is important.

Lilly has proven herself to be quite a girl! She is intelligent beyond her years (we believe she may be 12 or 13 years old), she has a mischievous and delightful sense of humor; she can be quite persistent when she needs to get a message across, and she has adapted well to today’s technology using it as a way to converse. She finds music and videos to tell us things she likes and things she doesn’t like. We get a glimpse into her mood by the songs she chooses and these songs almost always have a strong and important meaning behind them. However, she’s been known to pick playful songs too! She chooses her own profile pictures on her Facebook page to let us, and you, know how she’d like to be seen, and these pictures change often. Pay attention. We implore you to hear what Lilly is trying to say.

While there are details we can not pass along at this time so that we may protect Lilly, as well as ourselves, we can tell you one of the most important things about her is she loves her friends. She has reached out to some whom she knows she can trust. She has visited those closest to her. She has particularly enjoyed time with the Haunted Dolls living in the home of Tom and Traci Watkins. Lilly adores dolls! She does not like to feel alone but on her journey she has suffered a great deal of loneliness and at times has felt incredibly lost. We feel in time she will pass on and find the peace she so truly deserves, but until that time comes, Lilly has much she wishes to accomplish.

Having traveled so far through such a forlorn and painful journey to get to where she is now, Lilly is remarkable in that she still has so much love to share. Despite all she has been through, she is an amazing bright spot in our lives. Our hope is that you will become her friend and share your love and support with her.

Ghost Walk Productions, LLC is in the process of creating an updated version of Lilly’s story. We’ll be detailing more about her life and death, more about who she is, and she has friends who have graciously chosen to share their experiences concerning Lilly. Until the book is released, please visit Lilly on Facebook and take the time to read her notes, watch her videos, and look through her pictures. You will be astounded at all our cherished, sweet girl has to offer.

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